Error 535 - Authentication Failed
Description of problem
This error can have two meanings:
- The username and password that you have entered into your program are incorrect and you are failing authentication
- Your account has been disabled because of a problem
- You are using IP based authentication and your account has been disabled or has expired (uncommon)
It is IMPORTANT to note that for the first two causes this error will not be logged in the control panel, it will ONLY be returned to your email program / application.
How to resolve this problem
To resolve this issue you need to take a number of steps:
- Login to the control panel and check the status of your account to ensure it is not disabled for any reason - any issues would normally be highlighted for you
- Check you are using the correct username and password
- If you are unsure about your username and password you can use our password recovery function
If you have followed those steps and are unable to resolve the issue please login to the control panel and raise a support ticket.